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Halil Deniz Karaduman

Halil Deniz Karaduman

Guitar and Chamber Music

He started his musical education at a young age. In 2011, he passed the entrance exams of Dokuz Eylül University State Conservatory and became a student of Lecturer Kadircan Özdemir. Throughout his education, he participated in master classes of artists such as Gothemburg Combo (David Hansson & Thomas Hansy), Enno Voorhorst, Pavel Steidl, Pepe Romero, Costas Cotsiolis, Diego Leveric, Roman Viazovskiy, Michael League.


In addition to various solo recitals and chamber music concerts, he performed J. Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez guitar concerto with the Contemporary Art Philharmonic Orchestra in 2014. He took part as a guitarist in the musical play "My Boat is Attached to the Shore" staged at the Izmir State Theater between 2017-2019 (written by Dinçer Sümer, directed by Murat Çidamlı). In 2019, he took part in the opening concert of the 2nd International Efes Opera and Ballet Festival and as a guest artist upon the invitation of the Izmir State Opera and Ballet within the scope of the Bodrum Concerts (conductor Lukas Karytinos). In 2019, she participated in the soloist auditions of Dokuz Eylül University State Conservatory and Bilkent Symphony Orchestra with J. Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez and was found successful, and performed this work with the conservatory orchestra (Conductor Vladimir Lungu) and Bilkent Symphony Orchestra (Conductor Michael Maciaszczyk). In 2022, she was a guest artist with the Smyrna Youth Orchestra and again in 2022, she took part in the performance of the ballet "Frida" at the 5th International Efes Opera and Ballet Festival, upon invitation by Mersin State Opera and Ballet and İ.ZDOB. In 2024, she took part as a guitarist in the musical Alice in (Conductor Murat Kodallı, Director Bora Severcan). The same year, she arranged the Neo-Classical ballet An Opening.

In 2015, he graduated from DEU. State Conservatory high school with high success and started his undergraduate education by passing the exams. In 2018, he successfully completed his pedagogical formation education at DEU. Faculty of Education. He completed his undergraduate education at DEU. State Conservatory in Prof. Tahir Sümer's chamber music class and Instr. Kadircan Özdemir's guitar class and graduated from the university with honors in 2019. Halil Deniz Karaduman was selected as the first in the master's degree entrance exam of Istanbul University State Conservatory in 2020 and completed his master's education in Erdem Sökmen's class and graduated with high honors. After the approval of his master's thesis titled "A New Methodological Approach to Classical Guitar Playing Technique", he was accepted to Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Music, Proficiency in Arts Program (PhD) in 2023. He continues his studies in the field of guitar with Erdem Sökmen and Ricardo Daniel Moyano Capellino. He continues his studies in chamber music with Prof. Begüm Çelebioğlu. While he continues to work as a lecturer at Istanbul University State Conservatory and as a master instructor at Darüşşafaka Society, he also serves as Erdem Sökmen's assistant.

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